Apres Non-Wipe Glossy Top Gelcoat Gel Polish
Apres Gel Polish Non-Wipe Glossy Top Gelcoat
Apres new non-wipe Top Gelcoat is back with a brand-new formula.
Experience the difference in quality and performance. The non-wipe Top Gelcoat guarantees fantastic shine that resists chipping or peeling. The easy applicator allows the gel to smooth on the nail without causing bubbles or other imperfections.
Apres makes nails simple. A non-wipe formula means the results look great and there’s no tacky residue left behind.
The Top Gelcoat is compatible with any other gel polish. Apply and cure, the finish lasts up to 4+weeks.
- Easy Application
- Easy Removal
- Non-wipe formula
- 4+ Weeks flawless nails
Available in 2 sizes: 15mL or 30mL